Lefty anGler & flies
Satoshi Yamamoto - Livingston, MT
Here comes Lefty's official publication
"Atlantic Salmon Flies of Major Traherne" (LINK)!!
LEFTY is on Podcast (LINK)!!
12/07/2024: It's officially winter here in Montana. I am quite busy with tying flies after flies!!
Let us see how the snow accumulation develops through the winter and into the spring.
I'm already receiving inquiries for the 2025 spring and summer guide trips.
Please call, text, and email me with any questions.
The Second & Completely Revised Edition of "Trout Foods & Flies For Livingston's Spring Creeks" is SOLD OUT!
Hope to reprint next year.....

General Instructions
I hope this page highlights my flies better and is easier for users to navigate than before. That said, this is NOT a "click to cart" type online store. My tying operation is "to tie as per order". Here are instructions and policies.
Each fly pattern description below shows available sizes and colors (e.g., Flexi Midge Larva: Sizes 18, 20, 22. Colors: black, red, olive, light olive) and the price of 1 fly.
If a Mayfly pattern is tied for each species, I try to add a photo for each. For example, Buddy Wing Emerger can be tied for PMD (sizes 16, 18), baetis (18, 20), Green Drake (12, 14).
MINIMUM 6 flies (half a dozen) for one pattern in the same color and same size must be ordered. More than that, every 6 flies (half a dozen). I CANNOT accept "two of this pattern, five of that pattern, ten of midge larva assortment", etc.
Policy #3 is not meant to secure my revenue. It is simply impractical to tie like the example as I have to assemble materials every so often and it will leave "partial materials" more often. Besides, that's how I, or the most of accomplished guides and fishers, keep each pattern and organize fly boxes.
Shipping & Handling charge: $7.50 with USPS Priority or First Class. If it costs more than that, that must be a big order that requires a small box. If that's the case, I'm happy to cover the extra.
To place an order: Please clearly list, for each pattern, size (if applicable), color (if applicable), and how many (as explained above, every half a dozen for one pattern), then email me at or call/text me at 406-223-3225.
Payment: Square transaction (I send you an e-bill that you can pay with CC, no information needed). Check. Cash (for local customers).
Below, I set up a group of photos (gallery) for each category. By clicking each photo, it will enlarge and show available sizes, colors, and brief description (if applicable).
My primary focus and expertise are "close imitations from bottom to top" in spring creeks, that can be applied to tailwater rivers (such as Bighorn and Missouri). This does not mean that those flies are limited to water types designated by us. My match-the-hatch flies will work for pods of rising fish in Yellowstone or Madison River that we stop our boats and focus on but they are just not suitable to cast from the boat while floating the tumbling rivers.
I can tie very much any trout flies. I can certainly take orders for generic patterns such as Parachute Adams, Royal Wulff (I use synthetic fibers in place of calf tail though) and so on. i.e., Universal patterns that are widely known and most fly-fishers have common images. However, I would choose not to tie patterns that require "Googling" and that come up with variations by tyers or by instructions. What we could do is: you are welcome to give me specific material lists and how flies are done. In that case, I will charge more per fly accordingly. Also, I would not prefer to tie foam hopper patterns. To be honest, foam centered patterns are just not my cup of tea and commercially available ones, fly shops or online, are better and more economical (kind reminder: so are generic patterns mentioned above).
Trout Flies
Below are the catalogs of my flies. Majority are my own original patterns that have been proven season after season by myself, my clients, and trout. Though mentioned some above, let me recite. My primal showcases are "close imitations from bottom to top" for spring creeks, that are equally effective on tailwater fisheries. Even on freestone rivers like Yellowstone River, if focusing on pods of rising trout for certain hatches on rivers' edge, these flies of mine should work. These are just not made for constant floatation and visibility, regarding dry-flies, or heavy and quick sinking, regarding nymphs, that are necessities for float fishing.
In terms of categories, some flies could be categorized in either groups. If you have questions, please ask me.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22 Color: Red, Black, Olive, Light olive. Gray

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22 Color: Red, Black, Olive, Light olive. Gray

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22 Color: Red, Black, Olive, Light olive. Gray

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22 Color: Red, Black, Olive, Light olive. Gray

Price: $2.75 Size: 18,20,22 Sylvester Nemes' pattern.

Price: $2.75 Size: 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Body Color: Red or Black Brass bead color: gold, copper, silver, matte black Glass bead color: red, pearl, etc. There's no particular combinations of beads colors. Very much any color schemes work. Specify if you like but also availability is up to the hook/bead sizes.

Size: 8,10,12,14,16, 18 Color: red, black Larger sizes are primarily for lakes/ponds as Chironomid larvae.

Photo Coming Soon!! The Euro nymphing movement has arrived to Montana, even to spring creeks. Size: 18 (practically 20) Colors: black, red

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 The BEST pupa/emerger pattern on the spring creeks. Dropping under Midge APE is the INVINCIBLE setup.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 Color: black, gray, light olive

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 Abdomen (thread) color: black, olive, light olive,

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 Abdomen (thread) color: black, olive, light olive,

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 The MOST versatile midge dry-fly during any midge hatches.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 The MOST versatile midge dry-fly during any midge hatches.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 The MOST versatile midge dry-fly during any midge hatches.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24 The MOST versatile midge dry-fly during any midge hatches.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24

Price: $2.75 Size: 20, 22, 24
Mayfly Nymphs

Price: $2.75 Size: 16, 18, 20, 22 Color of PT: natural (shown), bleached, dyed yellow, dyed olive

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18; PT color = natural, bleached, or yellow Baetis: 20, 22, 24; PT color = natural or olive Sulphur: 18, 20; PT color = bleached Drake: 10, 12, 14; PT color = natural, olive, yellow, Most of mayfly species not listed here can be easily imitated. Inquiry me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18; PT color = natural, bleached, or yellow Baetis: 20, 22, 24; PT color = natural or olive Sulphur: 18, 20; PT color = bleached; wing-case = brown foam Drake: 10, 12, 14; PT color = natural, olive, yellow, Most of mayfly species not listed here can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18; PT color = natural, bleached, or yellow: rubber leg color = brown or black Baetis: 20, 22, 24; PT color = natural or olive; rubber leg color = black Sulphur: 18, 20; PT color = bleached; rubber leg color = brown Most of mayfly species not listed here can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 Green Drake: 10, 12, 14; PT color = natural, olive, yellow; rubber leg color = black Most of mayfly species not listed here can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 Size 16
emergers duns spinners

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 (this is a short curved hook so 22 is almost too small) Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (for these sizes, I use dry-fly hooks or 2XL curved hooks) Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (for these sizes, I use dry-fly hooks or 2XL curved hooks) Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 16 and 18

Price: $2.75 16 and 18

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 (22 is not available for this pattern) Trico femal: 18, 20 Sulphur: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico female: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (2XL curved hooks) Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Female: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14; dubbed abdomen in place of turkey biots. Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico female: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (2XL curved hooks); dubbed abdomen in place of turkey biots. Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Female: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (2XL curved hooks); dubbed abdomen in place of turkey biots. Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me. My very first original spring-creek match-the-hatch pattern. Still proves its effectiveness on creeks and YNP streams.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male & Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 (for these sizes, I use dry-fly hooks or 2XL curved hooks); depending on sizes, I may use dubbing for abdomen in place of turkey biots. Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male & Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 size 16

Price: $2.75 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me. These are larger mayfly imitations of course for the hatches but on a bit more tumbling streams than spring creeks, such as Yellowstone, Lamar, etc.

Price: $2.75 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me. These are larger mayfly imitations of course for the hatches but on a bit more tumbling streams than spring creeks, such as Yellowstone, Lamar, etc.

Price: $3.50 Drake: 10, 12 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 Drake: 10, 12 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $2.75 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me. THE BEST spinner pattern on the spring creek, period.

Price: $3.50 PMD: 16, 18 Baetis: 18, 20, 22 Sulphur: 18, 20 Trico Male or Female: 18, 20, 22 Drake: 10, 12, 14 Other mayfly species in other regions can be easily imitated. Inquire me.

Price:$2.75 Size: 14,16,18,20

Price: $2.75 Size: 16,18,20

Price: $2.75 Size: 20 This is rather a sunken spinner than an emerger. Deadly when trout are feeding on Trico spinners.

Price: $2.75 Size: 20 This is rather a sunken spinner than an emerger. Deadly when trout are feeding on Trico spinners.

Price: $2.75 Size: 16,18,20 Color: black - caddis & midge larva, micro leech, red - midge larva

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16 Thorax options: hare's ear or peacock herl

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16

Price: $2.75 Size: 16, 18 Color = peacock as the all-rounder.

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: black (shown), tan (dun-ish to simulate Hydropsyche)

Price: $3.50 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: black (shown), tan (dun-ish to simulate Hydropsyche)

Price: $3.50 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: black (shown), tan (dun-ish to simulate Hydropsyche)

Price: $2.75 Size: 14, 16, 18, 20 One color = peacock

Price: $3.50 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: black (shown), tan (dun-ish to simulate Hydropsyche)

Price: $2.75 Size: 18,20,22

Price: $3.50 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: black (shown), tan (dun-ish to simulate Hydropsyche)
I don't tie contemporary foam hoppers, even Chernobyl variations, for commercial purposes.
I suggest you buy them at your favorite fly shops. They have numerous selections.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16,18 Color: black, brown, combo of brown back & black front

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16.18 Color: black, cinnamon, fluo orange

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16,18 with a 2XL curved hook.

Slough Creek Ant Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10,12,14 This is specifically designed for the flying ants mating swarms on Slough Creek (and nearby streams) in YNP.

Price:$2.75 Size: 20,22 This is specifically designed for the flying ants mating swarms on Slough Creek (and nearby streams) in YNP. Compared to gigantic queens, males come in such a small size. This can be used as a small drowning/sinking as well at any other streams.

Price: $2.75 Size: 10,12,14 Underbody is peacock herl.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16 Underbody is peacock herl. I usually use different colors for each size so it's easy to sort and spot in the box. If you order in different sizes, let me know.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16 Underbody is peacock herl. I usually use different colors for each size so it's easy to sort and spot in the box. If you order in different sizes, let me know.

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10,12,14 Deer hair color: natural (tan), yellow, olive, black (cricket, with an indicator)


Price:$2.75 Size: 8,10

Price: $2.75 Size:10,12,14

Price: $2.75 Size: 10,12,

Price:$5.50 Size: 6
Nymphs for
Spring Creeks & Tailwaters

Price:$2.75 Size: 14,16,18

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18 Color: olive, light olive, gray, orange, pink

Price:$2.75 Size: 14,16,18 (2XL hook)

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18,20 Color: gray, olive, pink

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18 Color: gray, light olive, pink

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18 Color: gray, light olive, pink This is a dubbing body.

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16

Price: $3.50 Size: 8

Price:$3.50 Size: 6 Color: tan, olive, gray

Price:$3.50 Size: 6 Color: tan, olive, gray; each is brindled with brown
wet flies:
Attractor Soft-hackle & Streamers
I can certainly tie contemporary articulated streamers. However, those are very time consuming and consequently I have to charge a lot. I highly suggest you buy at your favorite fly shops.

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16 This classic is still a superb attractor soft-hackle at any water!

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10 My original pattern. Killer, if not the KING, of the swing fishing!!

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10 Practically a heavier Coyote.

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10

Price: $3.50 Size: 10,12

Price: $3.50 Size: 8

Price: $3.50 Size: 8

Price: $3.50 Size: 8

Price: $3.50 Size: 8

Price: $3.50 Size: 8,10 Color: Grizzly, grizzly dyed olive,

Price: $3.50 Size: 6,8,10

Price: $3.50 Size: 4,6,8 Color: Black only

Price: $4.50 Size: 4,6,8,10 Color: Black, White, Olive grizzly.

Price: $4.50 Size:10

Price: $4.50 Size:10

Price: $4.50 Size:10

I have materials to tie most of the legendary Carrie Stevens patterns. I have a few hook models specifically for this series. Either fishing or framing, please inquire. Price: XXX Size: XXX
Freestone patterns
I'm happy to tie Prince Nymph that is still one of the most effective nymph patterns!!

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16,18 This is the borderline attactor-hatch or freestone - spring creek pattern.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16,18 This is the borderline attactor-hatch or freestone - spring creek pattern.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16 Parachute color: I use pink, green etc. Inquire me as you order. I tie a bit differently from the generic tie.

Price: $2.75 Size: 14,16,18 Smaller ones even work on spring creeks.

Photo coming soon! Price: $3.00 Size: 16 This is perhaps the biggest discovery for the 2021 season!

Photo coming soon! Price:$3.00 Size: 16 Color: fluo orange, fluo green These are general purpose attractor nymphs for freestone rivers.

Price: $3.50 Size: 6 Fished dry, dead-drift or adding some motions. Got soggy and half-sinking, it's even better!!

Price: $3.50 Size: 8 Bead and rabbit strip colors may vary. Inquire me as ordering.

Price: $3.50 Size: 8 Bead and rabbit strip colors may vary. Inquire me as ordering.

Price: $3.50 Size: 8 Bead and rabbit strip colors may vary. Inquire me as ordering.

Price: $3.50 Size: 10

Price: $3.50 Size: 8 Bead colors: copper, gold, black. Any bead color looks good and equally effective.
Stillwater Patterns

Price: $3.50 Size: 10&12 (extended body as shown), 14&16 (regular hook)

Price: $2.75 Size: 8,10,12 Color: red, olive, black

Price: $2.75 Size: 8,10,12 I have red-painted hooks in a few sizes.

Price: $2.75 Size: 8,10 General all purpose stillwater pattern.

Price: $2.75 Size: 12,14,16

Price: $2.75 Size: 8,10,12

Price:$2.75 Size: 8,10,12

Coming soon!
Steelhead/Salmon Flies
In my case, as you already know, it's the other way around. I took up and mastered classic Atlantic salmon flies for framed artistic objects. Now I want to fish for those anadromous fish - well, practically speaking, Atlantic salmon are a bit faraway target for me as of now so my closer interests are steelhead and Pacific salmon in America's Pacific Northwest. Flies for these species have the same origins with Atlantic salmon flies actually.
I'd love to tie classic patterns but also I tie variants and my originals - now I really "dress" them.
Unlike all the trout flies above, these are dressed & sold PER FLY = 1 fly.