October is known as the month for serious fly anglers to wrap up the fishing season with hopes of the biggest brown trout of the year and the ultimate match-the-hatch challenge with the fall baetis hatches. I’ve done fair amount of fishing and guiding. My recent pursuit happens to be Spey casting. I obtained gears to target steelhead and salmon for near future. As reported in a few previous posts, I’m getting a hang of it so trout Spey gears are in the way - that’ll be a next few posts, I hope!!
Although targeted salmonoid species are considerably smaller around here, Yellowstone River is big enough to practice long distance castings and I might be able to feel and catch trout by swinging wet flies.
Oh Boy!! Single Spey with the traditional (style) Spey line is oh-so-GRACEFUL!! If trout fishers don’t get this idea, let me put it this way: it’s like your dry-fly lands 2 feet upstream of the rising trout with a perfect drag free reach cast……got a picture??
I tied on my very original Coyoted Pheasant Soft Hackle. I felt a vibrating take in spite of the 7 weight 13’6” rod!!

In a near future, though I don’t mean within this fall, I hope to catch something bigger than the handle!!