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Writer's pictureSatoshi Yamamoto

Fall Colors, Fall Actions

Although as of this weekend we’re enjoying Indian Summer days (high in 80Fs), the fall has settled in the Yellowstone Country. Morning is cool, can be cold depending on wind strength and directions. Days are getting shorter but by bit. Grasshopper seems disappearing from river banks. Yellowstone River is running steady though with very low flows (wouldn’t be any lower till the float season ends).

We seem to be completing “Yellowstone Grand Slam” = to catch all 4 species in one day: Rainbow, Brown, Cutthroat, and Whitefish.

And as every serious fly anglers know, trout, big ones😏, are getting aggressive as the fall deepens.

Browns are to spawn in the fall, but remember rainbows are as aggressive as browns. I haven’t observed mass of fall baetis hatches and pods of rising fish yet, on the river or spring creek. But it’ll be SOON.

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