It's a bit hotter than we anticipated....
Earlier in the month, there were 100F days. Then we are having a series of over 90F days. Water temperature can reach 70F at the peak on some major Montana rivers.
However, trust my words as these are from my past journal entries, it's not as disastrous as the 2021 season, which was HOTTER and LESS water than we are having now.
Yellowstone River is holding up. Night time temperature can be really cool and that cools down the river temps back. Large attractor dry-flies such as Chubby work really well. Certainly the dropper nymph adds more chances. Nymphing is working too. Good thing about the hot weather is terrestrials are coming into our game plans.
It seems the major part of Pale Morning Dun hatches are over on the spring creeks. We will still see a stream of PMDS here and there throughout the summer so just keep in mind. Instead we focus on other hatches. There are indescribable small mayflies are hatching through summer. In the evening we see Sulphur mayflies. Craneflies are also hatching in the evening. Terrestrials are getting active and will attract attentions from trout. Of course creeks are running very cool!!
